
About Us.

One-stop solution for Tech Products

-> 20+ tech solutions built with Next.Js, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Custom and Scalable backend, and Framer Motion.
->Fully Responsive and Optimized for performance across all devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Designed with scalability in mind, ensuring that the backend can grow with your application's needs.

Built for developers

Built for engineers, developers, dreamers, thinkers and doers.

Ease of use

It's as easy as using an Apple, and as expensive as buying one.

Pricing like no other

Our prices are best in the market. No cap, no lock, no credit card required.

100% Uptime guarantee

We just cannot be taken down by anyone.

Multi-tenant Architecture

You can simply share passwords instead of buying new seats

24/7 Customer Support

We are available a 100% of the time. Atleast our AI Agents are.

Money back guarantee

If you donot like EveryAI, we will convince you to like us.

And everything else

I just ran out of copy ideas. Accept my sincere apologies

The brains behind the magic
John Doe
Robert Johnson
Jane Smith
Emily Davis
Tyler Durden